Alz U Need: A Girl Scout Gold Project

Alz U Need: A Girl Scout Gold Project

By Marci Narum Submitted Photos It can be pretty difficult to say no to the young lady selling Girl Scout cookies, but it would seem impossible to say no to Jennie Schley. She’s the only Girl Scout at Bismarck’s Shiloh Christian School, and she has her own mobile...
Choose Happiness

Choose Happiness

By Alexis Thompson For the past two years, on a local, state, and national level, I have been spreading messages of happiness through public speaking and volunteering. Little did I know, I would really have to listen to my own happy advice. In 2017, when I was 9 years...
Braced for the Future: Alexis Thompson

Braced for the Future: Alexis Thompson

By Marci Narum Photos by Jacy It takes a lot for Alexis Thompson to admit she’s having a bad day. The soon-to-be 12-year-old Bismarck girl has been promoting her personal “Choose Happiness” platform since she was 9 years old. “Choose Happiness” is not just a catchy...

Introducing: Inspired Youth Magazine

A note from the publisher, Marci Narum     The inspiration for this new magazine came from the young lady featured on the cover. It actually goes back to January of this year when I became the sole owner of Inspired Woman and began mapping my vision for the...
Curvy Girls

Curvy Girls

By Alexis Thompson Editor’s note: Alexis Thompson is an 11-year-old girl from Bismarck who loves to dance and do public speaking. In 2018, she held the title of Miss Pre-Teen Flickertail State International. Her personal platform, “Choose Happiness” has become more...