Oct 28, 2019 | Faith & Spirituality
By Carrie Bentley Submitted photos I knew it was going to be a long morning from the very moment I sat down on the church pew. My three boys, Sam, Tim, and Emmett (ages 6, 4, and 1 at the time) had the wiggles. Only a week had passed since we had trick-or-treated for...
Oct 24, 2019 | 2019, Entertaining
By Stephanie Jorritsma Erin Weichel believes in the transformative power of the arts. “The ability to express all that is within you through art is a gift I wish to share with everyone I encounter,” she says. “The fine arts show us our humanity and how we can learn...
Oct 22, 2019 | Look what she did
By Marci Narum A tear-stained pillow in the safety of her bedroom is part of any little girl’s life, unless that bedroom isn’t safe. Then, shelter might be an alfalfa field where the cries of pain, confusion, and sadness swell and only birds and prairie dogs hear...