Home is Where the Heart Beats

Home is Where the Heart Beats

By Marci Narum Submitted Photos 614 North Fourth Street in Bismarck was home to Stacy Berven for most of her life. Her parents, Joyce and Loren Vettel, purchased what had been known as “The Woodmansee House” and moved the family into the charming two-story stucco in...
An Appreciation For the Basics

An Appreciation For the Basics

 By Carole Hemingway I didn’t grow up in a consumer-driven society filled with technology, fancy restaurants, or fancy cars. I was shaped by a place not more than 152 miles from where I live now in Pennsylvania, a small dot on the map called Bear Creek. The...
Comfort Food

Comfort Food

By Pam Vukelic Part of the recovery process after the death of a loved one involves the gathering of friends and family for a meal. This is a time for people to reminisce and share stories, and it is a healthy step in moving forward. Religion and ethnicity impact the...
When a Snowy Day Becomes a Winter Stanza

When a Snowy Day Becomes a Winter Stanza

By Betty Mills When confined by the frigid weather to home and hearth, I decided to reorganize my bookcase containing a lifelong accumulation of poetry, and I stumbled upon two volumes purchased but never read. They are collections of poetry subtitled with amazing...