A Full Plate: Serving the CROP Walk

A Full Plate: Serving the CROP Walk

By Betsy DebertinPhotos by Janie Hague and Submitted photos from past walks “What’s on your plate these days?” It is a question we ask one another. “I have too much on my plate” or “I’ve got a lot of plates spinning,”  are common responses to describe being...
Look What She Did: DeeAnn Fylling

Look What She Did: DeeAnn Fylling

By Marci Narum She’s a mom to three little girls, a music teacher, and — she leads a rock band. DeeAnn Fylling is also a national award winner. The United States Army named Sergeant First Class Fylling the Senior NCO (non-commissioned officer) of the Year. “There are...
Five Must-Know “Lady Bits” Cancer Tidbits

Five Must-Know “Lady Bits” Cancer Tidbits

By Rhonda Schafer-McLean Once again, October is upon us and we are charged to “Fight Like a Girl” and unite as “Warriors in Pink” against this thing we HATE: cancer. While cancers that plague our gender are not limited to only one month per year, we reserve this month...
Comrades, Country, & Canines

Comrades, Country, & Canines

The Bed ‘n’ Biscuit Ranch By Kylie Blanchard  Photography: Photos by Jacy    Service to country, service to animals, and service to others summarizes the gifts Lila Teunissen and Michelle Thomsen are sharing. Both full-time members of the North Dakota National Guard...
Kelli Kronschnabel: Fire Chief & Trailblazer

Kelli Kronschnabel: Fire Chief & Trailblazer

By Nicole Thom-Arens  Photography: Rick Heit Photography Kelli Kronschnabel, Minot’s fire chief, is one of only about 50 women fire chiefs in the nation. When she was first hired as a firefighter in Grand Forks, North Dakota, more than 20 years ago, she, along with...
Why I Serve

Why I Serve

The belief that “… the police are the public and the public are the police; the police being only members of the public who are paid to give full-time attention to duties which are incumbent on every citizen in the interests of community welfare and existence,” stems...