Bringing Home the Cat

by Patrick Atkinson  |  Submitted Photo Every day thousands of children and adults in the world hear the soft cry of a stranded kitten. When Matthew heard his, he lay his books to the side and crawled through bushes and mud to come to the rescue. Eventually he pulled...

Did Someone Say Pie?

by Pam Vukelic  |  Submitted Photos My mom, Mary Lois, was famous for her pies. Neighbors relished an invite to evening pie and coffee. And the invites were remarkably frequent. My folks valued time with their wonderful friends. Due to a prolific apple tree in our...

Small Town…Big Shows

by Kristi Frahm | Submitted Photos Deb Belquist’s dream has come true. Her vision began in 1979 when she wanted a better way to produce live summer shows in her hometown of New Rockford, North Dakota.   “I was a member of the organization, Celebrations, Inc., and we...

A Dream For Youth: Under One Roof

by Paula Redmann  |  Submitted Photos Gayla Sherman’s dreams have come to her in waves and pieces over the last 30 years. As she reflects on her path thus far—the bruises as well as the bright spots—she has complete clarity in knowing all her life experiences have...