Woodpeckers, Villages & Aerial Bombings

By Patrick Atkinson free·dom – the condition of not being controlled by a situation, another, or a belief. The red-crested woodpeckers wake me every morning at my home on Hippo Wallow Pond. There weren’t many there before, I’ve been told, so I must have brought...

Sara and the Troubadour

By Patrick Atkinson What was I supposed to say when Sara asked me,”What do you do for a living?” She was, after all, barely seven-years-old. How much could I tell her? Sara was a beautiful girl. Found on the streets totally alone, she had been physically...

Joel the Shoeless

By Patrick Atkinson His name was Joel. I’ll remember him for as long as I live. Joel was a young beggar boy who carefully searched the garbage-strewn gutter outside my Central American home each day. When he found someone’s tied-off kitchen bag trash, he picked it up...

Kittens, Catwoman, & Decisive Living

By Patrick Atkinson The educational degree I admire the most in people cannot be earned in a classroom. Nor can it be learned on the streets. Still, you know when you are talking with a graduate. Young or old, their eyes are deeper and their words more thoughtful....