Jul 1, 2016 | 2016, Inspired Woman Magazine, July
If someone tells you the cops are always at Classic Rock Coffee Company in Mandan, don’t be alarmed. It’s true, but only because owner, Kim Ressler considers them among the community’s Super Heroes. Kim has reserved a special parking spot for them, marked “Super Hero...
Jul 1, 2016 | 2016, Inspired Woman Magazine, July
17-year old Isabelle Mihm is following her dream to be an artist. Her work has been already featured in juried art shows at Bismarck Art and Galleries Association (BAGA). She also has a following on Instagram, where you will find many sketches and portraits of...
Jul 1, 2016 | 2016, Inspired Woman Magazine, July
By Jenny Dewey Rohrich If you were to visit North Dakota in the summer, you’d fall in love. It is green, the crops are growing, the weather is favorable. There are prairies as far as the eye can see, spectacular sunsets, gorgeous lakes and in some parts of the state...
Jun 26, 2016 | 2016, Inspired Woman Magazine, July
By Jody Kerzman Julie Skaret’s eyes light up when asked about her daughter, five-year-old Taylor. “She’s very adventurous. She’s a typical little girl I think. She’s shy sometimes and sometimes she’s really outgoing,” says Julie, with a smile. “She is everything....
Jun 23, 2016 | 2016, Inspired Woman Magazine, July
By Marci Narum New beginnings are part of life, every day, in many ways. Writer and poet, T.S. Elliot said, “Every moment is a fresh beg in- ning.” Pastor Renee Splichal Larson of Bis- marck would agree. And she points to her own life and her firm foundation of faith...
Jun 18, 2016 | 2016, Inspired Woman Magazine, June
By Jody Kerzman June 20, 2015. We call this the day our family changed forever. It’s the day my father-in-law died in a farm accident. I’ll never forget the phone call, telling my kids, trying to comfort my husband, how our usually hyper dog sat still so our then...