Oct 31, 2016 | 2016, Inspired Woman Magazine, November
By Jody Kerzman Haley Bearstail has been dancing as long as she’s been walking. “I started as a traditional dancer, then a fancy dancer, and now I do jingle dancing,” says Haley. Haley, 13, was crowned the United Tribes Technical College International Powwow Princess...
Oct 28, 2016 | 2016, Inspired Woman Magazine, November
By Jennifer Joyce Taking a trip without your kids seems like a good idea, until it happens. In August, Captain Jacy Voglewede, Master Sergeant Kayla Skelton, and I left our 10 children in the care of other people when we traveled to Africa through the North Dakota...
Oct 28, 2016 | 2016, Inspired Woman Magazine, November
By Marci Narum Deb Seminary wears a necklace that holds a gold anchor pendant suspended inside a flat, round, silver charm. Etched on the charm: 81° 50’ W and 26°19’ N. “It’s the latitude and longitude of a place in Florida I’ve been to several times,” Deb says. “I...
Oct 27, 2016 | 2016, Inspired Woman Magazine, November
By Patrick Atkinson His name was Joel. I’ll remember him for as long as I live. Joel was a young beggar boy who carefully searched the garbage-strewn gutter outside my Central American home each day. When he found someone’s tied-off kitchen bag trash, he picked it up...
Oct 27, 2016 | 2016, Inspired Woman Magazine, November
By Marci Narum The old coat or dress in the back of your closet may be worth more than you think. If you’re not sure, ask Jessica Just. She’s the owner of Vintage Closet. Jessica took her successful seven-year online business and opened a shop at 408 West Main Street...
Oct 27, 2016 | 2016, Inspired Woman Magazine, November
By Jody Kerzman One in four women will experience a miscarriage or stillbirth. That’s a statistic Patricia Camisa knows all too well. “I am the one,” says Patricia. On February 17, 2016, Patricia lost her baby. She was 19 weeks, five days into her pregnancy. “My water...