Nov 28, 2011 | 2011, Inspired Woman Magazine, October/November
Alison Larson-Smith grew up riding horses. When she developed a bad back and could no longer ride, she knew she had to find a way to stay involved with horses. She decided to buy a miniature horse and fell in love with the breed. About the same time, Smith was feeling...
Nov 1, 2011 | 2011, Inspired Woman Magazine, October/November
By Kylie Blanchard When Sherris Richards’ daughter, Faith, was diagnosed with autism at 18-months it impacted her entire family. “It devastated us to the core,” she says. “I think it affected us even more because we didn’t know about autism.” The initial shock of the...
Oct 31, 2011 | 2011, Inspired Woman Magazine, October/November
By Kristin Rosenau Life reminds me of the childhood game of Hide-and-Seek. Most of it is spent hiding anxiously behind familiar routines or a pleasant facade, knowing that change is always close by, glancing around corners and peering into closets, never too far from...
Oct 24, 2011 | 2011, Inspired Woman Magazine, October/November
by Michelle Farnsworth I grew up knowing I had one of, if not the greatest, mother in the entire world. When I was young I didn’t know all the details, but I had an idea that she had weathered some pretty strong storms – alone. My mom was the epitome of the naïve,...
Oct 23, 2011 | 2011, Inspired Woman Magazine, October/November
by Megan Nitschke Ralph Waldo Emerson poetically wrote in his book Self Reliance about the journey of life, comparing it to a “zigzag line of a hundred tacks.” As he says, the path of life doesn’t look straight until it’s seen from a sufficient distance....
Oct 17, 2011 | 2011, Inspired Woman Magazine, October/November
By Julie Fedorchak Like most mothers of school-age children, I devoted a good chunk of August to school preparation. New shoes? Check. New clothes? Check. School supplies, water bottles, backpacks? Yep. Hair cuts, dental appointments, immunizations, physicals? Check,...