Oct 3, 2012 | 2012, Inspired Woman Magazine, October/November
Don’t miss the fun – our Holiday Fashion Show features seven local women’s clothing stores and boutiques. They will showcase their holiday best on Saturday, October 27th at noon at the Elks. Bring your girlfriends for a relaxing lunch, some good...
Oct 1, 2012 | 2012, Inspired Woman Magazine, October/November
by Pam Vukelic Back to school! That means it is time to take stock of school supplies, purchase new backpacks and jeans, get sports physicals, and load up the snack drawer. What child does not walk in the door after school saying, “What’s to eat?” Ellyn...
Sep 24, 2012 | 2012, August/September, Inspired Woman Magazine
by Susan Jelleberg Editor’s Note: This was an entry in the “Who Inspires You” contest When I grew up, there was an unwritten affirmation given by my parents that there was nothing I couldn’t do. Limits were non-existent. All I needed was hard work...
Sep 24, 2012 | 2012, August/September, Inspired Woman Magazine
by Paula Vogel Editor’s Note: This was an entry in the “Who Inspires You” contest. As a social worker and trainer of foster and adoptive parents, I am exposed almost daily to women, and men, who provide endless inspiration to me, as well as to the children they so...
Sep 20, 2012 | 2012, August/September, Inspired Woman Magazine
For over 30 years the Bismarck Emergency Food Pantry has been filling a need in the community. Churches, businesses, scouting groups, individuals, local organizations and the Postal Service all make sure the shelves remained stocked by providing food and/or monetary...
Sep 16, 2012 | 2012, August/September, Inspired Woman Magazine
Lila Marquart studied Fine Art and Commercial Art when she attended college at BSC. “I couldn’t throw a pot to save my life,” she said. “But I learned how to cast silver and work with metal.” After college she started making jewelry from a studio, then took a break...