Feb 11, 2015 | 2015, February/March, Inspired Woman Magazine
by Mackenzie Schmaltz Inspiring Donors. Expanding Charity Impact. Charities and donors are watching the clock for Giving Hearts Day, a 24-hour online event to take place February 12, 2015. Giving Hearts Day was started in 2008 by Dakota Medical Foundation and Impact...
Feb 11, 2015 | 2015, February/March, Inspired Woman Magazine
by Deb Seminary Leah Durick always wanted to be a nurse. After high school she moved to Arizona and enrolled in Scottsdale Community College. Becoming a nurse took a little longer than she had planned. “I rarely went to class, I wasn’t really trying much at all,” she...
Feb 9, 2015 | 2015, February/March, Inspired Woman Magazine
by Deb Seminary When Joni Brekken and her husband, Tad, first got married, they made plans for a large family – some biological children and some children from adoption. “My husband’s mother is adopted and we knew other people that had gone through the adoption...
Feb 6, 2015 | 2015, February/March, Inspired Woman Magazine
by Jody Kerzman Melissa Anderson had it all: a loving husband and four beautiful children. Her life was good. But Melissa couldn’t shake the feeling that something was missing. “We thought we were done having kids after our twins, who are now 11, were born,” she...