Sometimes it's Ok to Say Yes

by Megan Nitschke Ralph Waldo Emerson poetically wrote in his book Self Reliance about the journey of life, comparing it to a “zigzag line of a hundred tacks.” As he says, the path of life doesn’t look straight until it’s seen from a sufficient distance....

In God's Hands

by Shelly Preszler Exhaustion. There’s really no other way to describe it. It had been the busiest May our family had ever experienced. We had everything from a college graduation, prom, confirmation, and a birthday party, and that was only one weekend alone. The...

She's Got It

by Lynn Boehm The ‘it’ factor. Movie stars have it, rock and roll musicians have it, charismatic politicians even have it. What is ‘it’, you ask? It’s something that sets an individual apart from the rest, something intangible that makes them very special. As you...