Oct 31, 2017 | 2017, Inspired Woman Magazine, November
Article and Photos by Stephanie Fong If you had asked Deb Kinzel 10 years ago what her dream was, she would have told you to retire early with a home in the Black Hills. And, if you were to tell her that instead, she and her family would build and operate the only...
Oct 31, 2017 | 2017, Inspired Woman Magazine, November
You don’t hear of many doctors making house calls anymore. But for Minot doctor, Kimberly Krohn, house calls are a regular part of her day. “For some of my patients, it’s the best option. Some can’t leave the home because of mental or physical health issues and this...
Oct 31, 2017 | 2017, Inspired Woman Magazine, November
Melissa Gordon loves deadlines and pressure. So when she was given just under two months to complete a 15 foot by 120 foot mural on the side of a building, she made her deadline, with time to spare. She says the hardest part was coming up with an idea. “Andrea Birst...
Oct 31, 2017 | 2017, Inspired Woman Magazine, November
“In a world where you can be anything, be kind.” Jana Maher lives by those words. Now she’s sharing them with kids in her new Kindness Club. Jana is better known as Miss Sparkles, story time leader for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers at the Bismarck Veterans...
Oct 27, 2017 | 2017, Inspired Woman Magazine, November
By Betty Mills Many long years ago, when I could still remember the psychology courses I took in college, I explained to a clinical psychologist friend that I’d like to know more about Freud’s theories. He suggested I start with Freud’s “Interpretation of Dreams.” It...
Oct 26, 2017 | 2017, Inspired Woman Magazine, November
By Noreen Keesey Dreams are as individual and unique as are the people who dream. Big or small, simple or grand, your dream speaks to your heart. It may call itself by a different name; perhaps yours is a vision, goal, or deep desire. Whatever its label, it identifies...
Sep 28, 2017 | 2017, Inspired Woman Magazine, November
By Carole Hemingway ⼁Submitted Photos I first met “Uncle Al” during the cozy autumn months, when I was still in grade school. I adored my teachers, and they liked me, especially my science teacher, who was German and looked like Eleanor Roosevelt. To me, Mrs. Strein...
Sep 28, 2017 | 2017, Inspired Woman Magazine, October
Submitted Photos The House of Manna, Inc. has been serving the Dickinson community and the surrounding area for nearly 30 years. A Bible verse that guided the organization from the beginning, continues to inspire volunteers today: “In as much as you have done it...