What the Heck is Quinoa?

by Pam Vukelic Quinoa is not likely to show up in one of your mother’s favorite recipes but everyone seems to be talking about it. What is it, why all the hype, and does it deserve it? Quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) is an ancient crop which South American people...

Inspired Style

My name is Julissa Hanson, and I’m excited to introduce the launch of my new online boutique: Wired Fashion! The inspiration for my business began with my love for fashion and an interest in apparel, but it’s so much more than that. In truth, I have wanted to have a...

Single Moms Walk the Walk

By Rhonda Gowen Single moms face an uphill climb, but hurdling daily obstacles imparts to them a keen sense of what’s essential and what can just go hang. The three moms interviewed below have come to be single in various ways – one through divorce, one as a widow,...

Longing to be a Mom

by Patty Teagle April 21-27 is National Infertility Awareness Week. This week rolls around each year, and yes, I had no awareness of it until I found myself in the midst of my own struggle with infertility. My husband and I were among the estimated one in eight...