The Friendship Garden
September 02, 2010
By : Inspired Woman Magazine

A Slice of Inspiration
The Friendship Garden

When Jane Jesperson heard about the Agricultural Commissioner’s challenge to raise 500,000 pounds of food, she got busy. “My daughter has worked with the homeless in Portland,” said Jesperson. “They have gardens there and I felt called to start a garden.”

With the help of 15 other ladies, the Friendship Garden has thrived in its spot in the Bismarck Community Gardens. “We voted on what to plant and take turns weeding,” explained Jesperson. “Two ladies take two week periods to go down and take care of the garden.”

The women planted the onions, carrots and potatoes in the rain. They received many gardening tips and their plot is producing a bumper crop of vegetables.

The group plans to distribute the produce to local non-profit organizations. Jesperson already has a plan for harvest: “We will get together for Stone Soup and then all go down to harvest.”

The Friendship Garden, by Don Walz

Coming from a Salvation Army Advisory Board meeting
The treasure, I found going to the Community Gardens
Five smiling friends working in their garden plot
Looking for a camera operator

Smiling faces and dirty hands, coming away from the garden
All fenced in, planting complete, feeling good
Now God will make it grow, with Sun and Rain showers
Gratitude for being able to care for this plot with friends

Relationships blossom
Finding togetherness, doing good, inspires one another
Feeding the hungry by giving to the food pantry
Harvesting will be a delight, bringing fruits from the Friendship Garden

Friendship Garden, one of many in the Hunger Garden
So fitting to be part of a caring community

Beauty of God’s creation

Friendship Garden

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