Look What She Did: Pam Burch
December 01, 2018
By : Marci Narum

When Pam Burch moved to Hettinger, North Dakota in the fall of 2017, she immediately started thinking of ways to keep herself busy.

“I moved here so my kids could be closer to their dad. We share custody, and I was worried I’d be bored when they were at their dad’s house.”

Her search led her to purchase and remodel a building on Hettinger’s main street. She opened The Peacock Mercantile on June 1.

“In the old days, mercantiles were the social hubs of the community. That’s my bigger vision for The Peacock Mercantile. Right now we serve coffee, breakfast, and lunch. We have had a few musical performances and have brought in different boutiques to offer some shopping.”

She’s also created jobs; The Peacock Mercantile has four full-time employees and one part-time employee.

“This store is really a gift that God gave me to keep me where I feel I still have a mission and a purpose,” explains Pam. “My passion is for the youth. I want to get them off their cell phones and away from technology. I want them to sit together, play board games, and have face to face conversations with each other.”

The Peacock Mercantile is open Monday through Saturday. Learn more on their Facebook page, The Peacock Mercantile: Artisan Coffee, Tea and Gifts.

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