Missy Ohe wants to help kids overcome their self-doubt. The Grand Forks speaker, coach, and radio talk-show host recently pub- lished a children’s book, The You Cans and Their Big Adventure. It’s meant to be used as a fun way to create communication about experiences in life.
“I knew what I was supposed to do. I want kids to get these principles that are lifelong and can be used to make

Missy Ohe
good decisions in life. Principles like be honest, be fair, be kind.”
The book exposes children to the concepts of self-talk, determination, overcoming obstacles, and the importance of believing in yourself. And it’s the first in what Missy says will be a series.
“I’m so excited to see how people are using the book for kids with ADD, Autism, or behavioral issues. They’re using it in group sessions, parents use it on weekend trips in the car; they’re using the book how it works for them.”
Teachers and school counselors around the country have been requesting Missy’s book. She is hoping for business sponsorships to get the book into classrooms across North Dakota. It’s available on Amazon and at Barnes and Noble. The You Cans and Their Big Adventure will be translated into Spanish.