The Davidson triplets are terrific examples of some ‘good’ kids that their parents, and teachers, are proud of.
Lexus is interested in journalism and will be the editor of the year book next year. She recently was the only student from Legacy asked to travel to a journalism convention to learn more about her passion. She has a dream to experience a different part of the world as a nanny, then become a teacher.
Amanda enjoys her contemporary foods class and would like to own her own coffee shop someday. Even though she is not actually a huge coffee drinker, she wants to create an atmosphere that people will want to hang out in – a safe, family-friendly place.
Meagan prefers ‘artsy’ stuff, like her graphic design class. She enjoys sewing and drawing and one of her colored pencil drawings recently won first place in the local VFW art contest and is heading to the state competition. Meagan also has dreams to be a teacher.
They are all excited to attend Legacy next fall. They will be a part of the first graduating class and look forward to the new technology, schedules and classes they get to take advantage of in the new building.