By Noreen Keesey
Dreams are as individual and unique as are the people who dream. Big or small, simple or grand, your dream speaks to your heart. It may call itself by a different name; perhaps yours is a vision, goal, or deep desire. Whatever its label, it identifies a future state that is meaningful to you.
We all dream differently. For some, dreams for the future are specific, clear, and detailed. Others may have a near-term dream, perhaps a bubble of calm within the chaos of daily life. Some do not think about their dream or vision and approach things as they come.
Joel A. Barker said, “Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.”
To put some action behind your dream and nudge it toward reality, get to know your dream. Bring some clarity to it by defining the elements of it that are most important to you. Figure out what steps can be taken to move you in the direction of your dream. Tracking actions taken toward your outcome can be both helpful and inspiring.
Another way to bring your dream into reality is to incorporate elements of it into your daily life. Would you like to visit Spain someday? Even if the trip is currently not possible, buy some Spanish language learning CDs and listen to them in your car. If you love to cook, learn how to make a few Spanish dishes to share with family and friends. Perhaps spend 20 minutes one Sunday a month drinking coffee and researching cities and sights for the eventual adventure.
It might be that the idea of having and working toward a dream seems overwhelming. If you feel tired and annoyed by the mere thought, what you might need most is some rest and self care. Find 10 minutes in your day where you can sit down and breathe. Close your eyes, brew a cup of tea or take a short walk. During this time, limit distractions. Turn off the TV, leave your phone in another room or a desk drawer, and commit to reacting only to emergencies. Make these 10 minutes of time for you a part of your daily routine and start listening to the messages that arise from within.
While dreams for the future can inspire growth and change, it is important to have gratitude in the present and recognize the things for which you are grateful each day. Your dream might not come true the way you imagined. There are things such as timing, luck, or tradeoffs you are unwilling to make that can impact your plans. Hold loosely to the outcome and fulfillment of your dream and allow it to grow or to be outgrown. Be open to wonderful surprises you never expected and appreciate them for what they add to your life.
There will come a time for each dream to be fulfilled and celebrated or released and mourned. Take the time. Then, when it feels right, sit still and start listening for a new dream. You just might change the world.
Noreen Keesey is a coach and trainer who helps people connect with who they are are, what they want, and how to make things happen.