By Stephanie Jorritsma, summer intern

Stephanie Jorritsma (Perdita) & Sam Hinz (Florizel) backstage at the Capital Shakespeare summer 2019 production of “The Winter’s Tale.” Photo by Ruth Jorritsma
Note: Last year, I was involved in a community theatre production in which I played a princess, a role complete with a beautiful dress and a happily-ever-after ending. One of the most surprising aspects of the part was the admiration I received from young girls in my community. Some girls watched me from a distance, while others came up to me, eager to meet and talk with a princess. I loved meeting each of them, but deep down I also knew that one day they would grow up and face a world that would try to take away their budding confidence. Although I was limited by time and their young ages, I wished I could prepare them in some way for what would come. My interactions with those girls inspired me to write them a letter filled with the words I wanted to say.
Dear Little One,
I see you watching me as I float from person to person, as I curtsy, wave, and twirl. I see the wonder in your eyes, and I understand. I remember when I was your age and I desperately wanted to be a princess. I see the same look in your eyes that I used to have.
But, I’ll tell you a secret: you are a princess too.
Maybe you don’t have a beautiful gown or high heels, but look in the mirror, little one. Your soul, your spirit, your heart and mind — these are more precious than diamonds and more powerful than the edict of a king. Your beauty comes from your soul and from your unique personality and perspective. No dress, hairstyle, or makeup can ever change the beauty of you.
As you grow up, the world will try to tell you that you have to change to be beautiful. You might even start to believe them, but did you know that God, who created you, sees the real you? And, He thinks that you are beautiful and precious. His love does not depend on how you look or lessen with the mistakes that you make, but it continues long after other things fade. He is the ultimate conquering King, who went on a dangerous, centuries-long quest that ended with a battle against darkness and death to save you, His princess, from the evil that was holding you captive — an evil that, among other things, tells you the lie that you are ugly, worthless, and unlovable.
I know, little one, that you may not understand all of these things right now, and you may simply be admiring my pretty dress, but I hope one day you realize that you are a princess and hold that truth deep in your heart, because you are beautiful, and you are royally loved by the King of Kings.
Me (a fellow princess in God’s kingdom)
Stephanie Jorritsma is studying writing and theater at the University of Jamestown and worked as an intern at Inspired Woman this summer. In her spare time, she enjoys being in nature, spending time with friends and family, and expressing herself creatively. Stephanie believes in the power of stories and hopes to bring more beauty into the world through her writing.