by Robyn Hanson
Editor’s Note: This was an entry in the ‘Who Inspires You’ contest
Inspire: (1) To influence, move, or guide by divine or supernatural inspiration. (2) To exert an animating, enlivening, or exalting influence upon. (3) To communicate, bring out or about. (4) To spread by indirect means.
My mother’s name, Arlene Melarvie (born Arlene Stein) should also be included in this definition. She truly is an inspiration to me and all who know her.
“She doesn’t walk, she floats.” That is how someone once described my mother and I have been using it ever since. When I see the definition of inspire in black and white, my mother comes to mind instantly because the words influence, to guide by divine, communication, bring out, enlivening, and exalting are a perfect description of her.
She has influenced many people to be more positive and to make the choice to look on the bright side. She would say tragedy and conflict are part of life but how you choose to handle them defines you.
To guide by divine is her unconditional love and guidance she gets from the Holy Spirit and her faith.
My mother always wants to talk things through, in, out, around, under, and over – communicate. It can get irritating, but when she wants answers, look out! She has this gentle, yet strong way of dealing with people and after talking with her, a person just feels more at peace.
To spread by indirect means would be the way my mother lives her life. She practices what she preaches. She spreads happiness and joy to those around her. My mother is driven by her belief in the Lord and Holy Spirit. Her faith is infectious to all those around her and her belief is unwavering. She has a permanent glow and positive energy about her. It is hard not to be happy when she is around.
As a young girl, my mother inspired me. I looked up to her as all young girls do. Then as a teenager, I was inspired by anything but my mother. My teen years were tumultuous, but she was still my biggest fan. I am glad we are past those days, but it has made us very close.
When I moved to Moorhead over 20 years ago, she sent me a monthly packet of inspirational reading, faith based articles, cartoons, and clippings from our hometown newspaper. I still get those packets. She has been feeding me positive correspondence my whole life.
It wasn’t until I grew into adulthood that I realized what a gift I had in my mother. She also grew by cultivating her faith and her need to continually learn new things. I remember as a child my mom was deathly afraid of water and could not swim. She forced herself to take swimming lessons and would cry because she was so scared. She conquered that obstacle like so many other obstacles in her life, gracefully. Watching my mom in the swimming pool now, wrestling and playing with my two boys I sometimes wonder how it would have been if she wasn’t so strong willed and open to self- improvement.
My mother worked for Governors Guy and Link and was promoted into an important position in the banking world, despite being a woman without a college degree. She dealt with more than a few naysayers along the way, but fought her way through with her head held high.
“Knowledge is power” is a motto she has passed on to me. My mother believes this and lives it. She is constantly taking on new projects. They may be uncomfortable but she is always up for the challenge. She is currently involved with Toastmasters and can give a very inspiring speech. She once even took a voice lesson, (glad that didn’t stick.)
The most important thing to my mother is her unwavering faith. She is a true believer that all things are possible with the help and guidance of the Lord. She is not afraid to tell anyone how great life is with God in it. My friends think that my mom has a direct line, so anytime they need prayers they always call on her.
I believe in the power of prayer because I have seen it work through her and it is truly amazing. The one incident that will always be with me was when I was in the Army. I left North Dakota for New Jersey after high school graduation for basic training. The marching was endless. We had a 15-mile march coming up and I had shin splints so bad I had a hard time walking. I thought there was no way I was going to be able to do it. I remember calling my mom crying the night before. I was in so much pain. She calmed me and encouraged me like she always does and asked me what time the march was the next day. She and her friends were going to pray for me. I told her we would be into our march around 10:00 and said goodbye. I remember thinking to myself ‘yeah whatever, like that’s going to make a difference.’
The next day we started out our 15-mile trek through the New Jersey sandy forest. Who would have thought New Jersey had sand? Half an hour into it I had tears streaming down my face. I was in so much pain, then instantly it was gone. I mean really gone. Nothing. Zip. Zilch. I couldn’t believe it. I looked at the time, it was 10:00 central time, and that was my first of many ways I have seen the Lord work through my mother.
I have had many obstacles in my life but I truly believe I turned out the way I did is because I have been prayed for all of my life. My mother has been and is a constant inspiration- a one of a kind definition of inspiration.
Robyn Hanson lives in Moorhead, MN with her sons Logan (11) and Leo (9)