Are you wealthy? Mary Jo Irmen says your answer depends on your understanding of wealth.
“Some people think, ‘I’m wealthy because I’m debt-free,’” Mary Jo says. “That doesn’t mean you’re wealthy. Wealth is creating money and never having to worry about running out when you retire.”
Mary Jo is the owner of FiscalBridge in Bismarck and the author of “Wealth Without the Bank or Wall Street.” She says the book, published last November, presents a new way of thinking about how to use your money now and have plenty for retirement too.
“The book explains where people can put money that is not in the market, but where they can have access to it and liquidity of it. Still use it to live, go on vacation, buy cars, buy investments, do whatever you need to do with it today, and have the guaranteed growth, without the risks of the ups and downs of the market.”
This is Mary Jo’s second book. She published “Farming Without the Bank” in October 2014. She had so many requests from people—who were not farmers—to share similar information for their kids or themselves, that she wrote the second book. She says it’s basic and understandable.
“I put everything in very simple terminology. No big fancy finance terms.
“Some calls I’ve gotten about the book are from women who are concerned about their retirement but know they need access to money today for themselves and their family. What I am seeing is women in their early to mid-50s who are concerned about having enough money to retire.”
The book is available online at: or by calling Mary Jo at 701-751-3917.