It would be a generalization to say that teens these days show too much skin. Nonetheless, it is a generalization a group of girls at St. Mary’s Central High School is working to change. They’re doing that through a group called Forma Veritas.
“The idea is to help girls grow in their relationship with God and with people around them,” explains recent SMCHS grad Zoe Randazzo. “We help each other become true women of Christ. We talk about modesty, chastity, virtue, and prayer.”
Not exactly topics you’d expect high school girls to talk about, but they are very much discussed and demonstrated among the Forma Veritas girls.
Forma Veritas is a girls only group, but is just one of four small groups students at SMCHS are encouraged to join. Knights of Virtue is a boys only group, Saints for Life, and Catholic Athletes for Christ are open to both girls and boys. Zoe says while Forma Veritas has been life-changing, her favorite group is Catholic Athletes for Christ, and her favorite event it that group’s annual homeless night.
“It’s sort of a camp out, but we can’t eat the whole night and you’re only allowed to bring one thing with you,” she explains. “We do it every spring, and it’s really a great night of fellowship and it sort of becomes a social event. But when you get cold and hungry, it really makes you think about how lucky you are. I know that I can go home in the morning, and I’ll be able to eat and warm up. Not everyone is that lucky. It really makes you realize how blessed you are.”