Thanks to all the moms who contributed!
My daughter was complaining of a stomach ache and I had a funeral to go to in Williston. I left her with my sister knowing she would be well taken care of in my absence. As I was at the funeral my sister texted me and told me my daughter needed her appendix removed and they couldn’t start until I got home. The five hour drive seemed forever to me but even longer for my girl as she waited, scared and nervous and in pain, for surgery. Thank goodness for sisters!!! L.
My daughter fell playing soccer this fall and came home with a sprained arm. I iced it and gave her Tylenol. She complained the next day about it hurting so more Tylenol and wrapping, plus we put her arm in a sling made of a dish towel. Off she went to school. No doctor (my thought was people go to the doctor way too often. I’d had sprains before and they heal just fine.) She quit wearing the dishtowel because it was getting in her way. She never complained about her arm hurting except at night, so of course more Tylenol!
On day ten the swelling was down and, would you believe, her arm was crooked! So we got X-rays, of course, her arm was broken, not a sprain! They put on a temporary cast and instructed us to go to the ortho center for a regular cast within the next 3 days. Well, testing for green belts was the next day at karate and she desperately wanted to test after all of her practice, so we let her test with her temporary cast on. I got some raised eyebrows at Karate that day. Right after testing we drove to the ortho center and she got her regular cast. We were instructed that she could not use her arm at all for any sports for 2 months! I think the doctor knew she had already been to karate that day because she still had her uniform on! Apparently the crooked part in her arm will grow out (thank God!) She is very happy with her green belt. D.
Our son was 2 1/2 yrs. old. We were at the cabin in the summer and he would lean into the beer cooler and blow bubbles (with his mouth) into the water from the melted ice. The Monday after that weekend, I come around the corner and see him blowing bubbles into the toilet. I just about threw up on the spot. S.
Our daughter was about 1 and our back door opened up right to the basement stairwell. I had gone out to the garage and closed the door behind me. Not knowing she was standing there, I opened the door to come back in and sent her down the whole flight of wooden stairs to the concrete basement. My husband said he heard me screaming, “expletive, expletive, expletive……” and a thumping sound with it (our daughter). Thank God she was okay. Everything was in place, she settled down fairly quickly, so we went to 9:30 mass and really thanked God. S.
Potty trained 3 year old still learning how to wipe right. I am helping him get into his pajamas one night, and I notice the skid marks. So I say, “We need to work on wiping.” He says: “No, I know how, Mommy.” and I say, “but look at your underpants, that shows that you aren’t getting it all.” He looks down, then looks up at me with this horror struck look on his face: “Oh GROSS! Who pooped in mine pants?!?!?!” M.
My BIGGEST “mommy guilt” moment was when I was doing some work in the evening on the computer & my youngest son climbed up on my lap & asked me if I love the computer more than I love him. VERY eye opening moment for me! N.
My 2 year old son and I went to the afterhours clinic and he threw up all over himself and me in the waiting room – yep pretty gross! Poor kid he had to wear mommy’s jacket out of the Dr. Office! Good thing he is too little to remember! H.
I was in the kitchen when an urgent declaration from my two-year-old drew me upstairs. As I neared the top, I saw him standing on the landing, wearing a huge smile and holding a plastic cup overflowing with Number 2. The rest was spread, like only a toddler can do, throughout our upper level. That pretty much ended early potty training efforts with our youngest child. J.
It was my first mother’s day. We had decided to meet my husband’s family at a local restaurant, about 12 people total. Before we left the house that morning my son spit up a little. He was about a year old so we didn’t think anything about it and left for the restaurant.
While sitting at our table waiting to order, my son turned his head and threw up all over the wall! I was embarrassed! The restaurant was very nice about it as was the in-laws.
On the way home my son was in my lap in the back seat of the car cuz he threw up again in the parking lot! Then he threw up again — on me down the front of my shirt.
I just sat there trying NOT to do the same and telling my hubby to just drive faster! Then he did it 2 more times on the short drive home, ALL DOWN THE FRONT OF MY SHIRT!
By that evening he was fine and we were all laughing about it. My son, who is now 8 years old, loves to tell that story. C.
Okay, how many moms have driven around town with the most mysterious awful smell in their car only to find a sippy cup of milk curdling under the seat! J.
We were outside playing when my kids were about 4, 2 and maybe 10 months. The baby was on the grass, and I was pushing the other kids on the swingset I think, or playing ball. Anyway, I wasn’t right next to the baby – he was maybe 15 feet from me. I kept glancing over at him to make sure he was OK. All was well until he got his hand on a dried dog poop I hadn’t seen and I saw him holding it in one hand and trying to spit out a chunk from his mouth. I swooped him up and ran inside to the nearest sink faster than Florence Griffith Joyner. That was NASTY in all caps!!!! No lasting side effects though. He was fine. J.
My boy was going to the bathroom and when he got a couple drops on his finger he wiped it on the WALL!!! Found that out and explained why we have toilet paper. G.
When we had the stomach flu at our home my 8 year old son, asked me, “Mommy, when am I gonna run out of puke?!” S.
One day, while putting clean sheets on our daughter’s bed, I discovered her stash of boogers plastered to the wall. How long had they been there? Eeewwwww. D.
One fine evening, I was changing my daughter’s very messy diaper. So messy, that it filled up two diapers right before my eyes. Just when I thought I had it all cleaned up, I looked down and discovered that my 17 month old son got a hold of the diapers, and proceeded to make some carpet art on our off-white carpet. If that wasn’t enough, our hyper brittany spaniel dove into the madness simultaneously. It was horrifying! A.
I put together a photo album for both of our girls of when they were babies. Of course, the oldest daughter’s album is totally full of photos, the album of our youngest – not quite so full. I thought it would take years for them to notice, but one day when our youngest was three, they were looking at them together. She didn’t say anything, but proceeded to go draw some pictures and cut them to fit the empty spots in her photo album so it would be just like her sister’s! J.
“My son and daughter were playing croquet at a friend’s party – in the dark. My son was, unfortunately, standing behind my daughter when it was her turn. When she swung, the mallet connected with his head. He bled and bled and bled. We took him inside where my friend cleaned him up. Someone must have taken his picture because my friend, who makes Christmas calendars, gave us one where one month featured my son with his bloody forehead. Yuck!” B.
I caught my son practicing a very special talent one night: seeing how far he can drop his spit and still suck it back up into his mouth! I wondered which sister he would practice on the next day! G.